The art & business of making movies.
General, Independent, Quarterly Magazine from United States

- First issue: 1993

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1970 1971 1972 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 All
Issue 16
December 1995

Cover: Becoming Jodie Foster One of the greatest actors of our day says that directing it actors of our day says that directing is more suited to her personality. Here's what she thinks it takes to become a great director. by Tom Allen Edward Dmytryk, Odd Man Out Some call him the father of film noir. Undebatable is the fact that he helmed some to the greatest movies ever. by Tim Rhys and Tom Allen The Wrath of Werner Herzog Bloodsucking monster, obsessive visionary or simply dedicated artist, you'll love Herzog more than ever after reading this interview. Or you won't. by Lyall Bush Columns & Departments Profiles: Mike Figgis, Taking a Shot in the Dark Mike Figgis scores big in Las Vegas by returning to his Super 16 indie roots. by Kathleen McInnis
Issue 15
September 1995

Cover: Nice Girls Finish First, Mira Sorvino With a slew of indies and Woody Allllen's new movie about to be released, would-be wild woman Mira Sorvino is in serious danger of becoming The Next Big Thing. by Tim Rhys Profiles: The Father of Hollywood Producer Father Bud Kieser brings his mission to the movies. by Tony Leahy Columns & Departments Home Cinema: The Reformation of a Rebel Without a Crew Robert Rodriquez, the former desperado of El Mariachi fame, shows Hollywood how to make a movie. by Rustin Thompson John Schlesinger Rides the High Road Blood and guts is the easy way out, says the creator of Midnight Cowboy, and old master John Schlesinger is having none of it, thank you very much. by Tim Rhys and Tom Allen In Gear: Hellooo, Dolly! Most moviemakers believe the cost of owning a dolly to be prohibitive. They may reconsider when they hear about this light, compact version. by Jack Watson
Issue 14
August 1995

Henry Jaglom, The Independent's Independent He's been making movies for 20 years and with his new film, Last Summer in the Hamptons, he may become a household name. by Tim Rhys Secrets of Hollywood's Top Screenwriters A discussion with Robert Towne, Buck Henry, John Milius, et. al. on the joys and sorrows of creating the blueprints for the movies we love. by Lyall Bush
Issue 13
June 1995

Ray Carney Hacks Up Hollywood Outspoken film visionary, historian and consumer advocate Ray Carney takes Hollywood's sacred cash cows to the slaughterhouse. You'll love his sure-fire formula for winning an Academy Award. by Diane Cherkerzian Columns & Departments Home Cinema: Five Fabulous Film Fatales Directing has traditionally been a man's game, but the success of this quintet is helping to change the rules. by Rustin Thompson
Issue 12
March/April 1995

Cover: Oliver Stone Unturned Oliver Stone tells MovieMaker about his early career, his conversion to Buddhism, and what he thinks of Quentin Tarantino. Just for starters. by Time Rice and Tom Allen Shame, Fame and the Publicity Game Publicity is something independent moviemakers generally think about when it's too late. What should a publicist be doing for you? by Keith Bearden Of Guerillas and Weasel One moviemaker offers his intrepid strategies for making a film with little or NO MONEY DOWN! Presenting 'Budget Lite' 101. by James Westby Richard Linklater's All-Nighter The unpretentious Austin native goes mainstream with his third film, Before Sunrise. Vienna is a very long way from Slackerville. by Alice Hicks Robert Benton's Film Landscapes From Bonnie and Clyde to Nobody's Fool, Robert Benton has always made movies with wit, style and sophistication. by Paula Nechak Columns & Departments MM Notebook Home Cinema: John Cassavetes by Rustin Thompson In Gear: ARRI I6S, D/VISION PRO by Jack Watson On Acting: From Stage to Screen, Made Easy by Colleen Patrick Profiles: Ron Shelton, Milcho Manchevski, Rena Owen by Tim Rice, Andrew Hamlin and Cullen Gerst How They Did It: Not Our Son by George Wing Festival Beat: Los Angeles Independent Film Festival by Brian O'Hare Crossing the Line: Woody Strode by Sam Franklin
Issue 11
January 1995

The Vision Alan Rudolph At long last, the direg last, the director of Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle decides to deal with reality. by Tim Rhys Columns & Departments Home Cinema: Raising Cain with Abel Ferrara The director of Bad Lieutenant has developed a cult following by exploring the deepest, darkest corners of humanity. by Rustin Thompson

Last updated:
19 October 2023

Special thanks for this page goes to:
Garry Malvern
Scott Matheson

All magazine covers are copyrighted by their publishers. No rights are given or implied. They are presented here for their historical significance and the edification of magazine fans and collectors, everywhere.